Monday, January 07, 2008

Chitranna - Lemon Rice !

Rice - 2 Cup
Musturd - 3 tea spoon
Coreander Seeds - 3 tea spoon
Jeera - 3 tea spoon
Salt to taste
Turmeric - half tea spoon
Jaggery - size of 1 lemon
Coconut - 1 cup
Groundnut - 1 cup
Lemon - 3 (extract juice out of this)
Red Chilly - 2, if you like spicy, add more :-)

Cook Rice in cooker with little less than 4 cup water. Grind all indidients in mixer without adding much water. Make sesoning in a cooking pan and put ground nut into it - fry for 5 mins. Add the paste from the mixer onto the Pan and cook for 2 mins. Add Rice and mix well. Eat with cutney for dinner / lunch / breakfast.
